7th International Language Management Symposium


Book of abstracts

Day 1:  Monday, August 30, 2021
9:10   Opening
9:30   Björn Jernudd  (Washington, D. C., USA) Exploring approaches to standards, standard language and standardization in language management (Invited talk)

Björn H. Jernudd

Independent Scholar, Washington D. C.

Session 1
Chair: Petar Vuković
10:15   Martin Beneš (Prague, Czechia) Language planning and two levels of linguistic knowledge
10:45   Aleksandra Savić (Belgrade, Serbia) Language policy as public policy – combining theories
11:15   Kamila Smejkalová (Prague, Czechia) Requirements for stricter language standardization: Specific type of post-interaction management

Break (11:45-12:00)

Session 2
Chair: Marián Sloboda
12:00   Zsófia Ludányi and Ágnes Domonkosi (Budapest, Hungary) Standard ideology as a source of language problems in the language diaries of Hungarian students
12:30   Alenka Valh Lopert (Maribor, Slovenia) Non-professional speakers’ communication on Maribor radio stations
13:00   Jiří Nekvapil (Prague, Czechia) How to write about Jews in Czech: The new letter “middle ž” as an avoidance strategy

Break (13:30–15:00)

Session 3
Chair: Jiří Nekvapil
15:00   Olushola B. Are (Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria) Standardizing Nigerian pidgin: Issues, challenges and prospects
15:30   Vít Dovalil (Prague, Czechia) Formation of pluricentric languages as a case of language standardization
16:00   Petar Vuković (Zagreb, Croatia) Failed reforms of Russian and Czech spelling of the 1960s: LMT perspective
16:30   Day 1 closes                                            
Day 2:  Tuesday, August 31, 2021
9:10   Marko Stabej (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Language standardization in Slovenia: We still haven’t (quite) found what we’re looking for (Invited talk)

Marko Stabej

University of Ljubljana

Session 4
Chair: Vít Dovalil
10:15   Goro Christoph Kimura (Tokyo, Japan) Simplified language: for whom? – A comparison between “Yasashii Nihongo” (Simplified Japanese) and “Leichte Sprache” (Easy  German)
10:45   Emi Murata-Margetic (Zagreb, Croatia) The Japan foundation’s JF-standard practice based on the Common European framework of reference for languages – The transformation of Japanese language education and Japanese language education in Croatia
  Break (11:15-11:30)
11:30   Tamah Sherman and Jiří Homoláč (Prague, Czechia) Language testing for immigrants: Standardizing trajectories of language acquisition and use?
12:00   Lisa Fairbrother (Tokyo, Japan) Problems relating to insufficient language standardization in digitalization: The case of ‘non-standard’ names in Japan

Break (12:30–14:00)

Session 5
Chair: Tamah Sherman
14:00   Oliver Currie (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Language management and language maintenance: the twin challenge of language planning for minoritized languages
14:30   Zuzana Týrová (Novi Sad, Serbia) Language management and language problems in Vojvodina, Serbia: the case of Slovak
Break (15:00–15:15)
15:15   Sean Meades (Sault Ste. Marie, Canada) Language management and state formation in the Canadian white settler colony
15:45   Tobias Weber (Munich, Germany) Coming to terms: Research on standardisation in minority languages between language documentation, sociolinguistics, and education research
16:15   Final discussion
17:00   Day 2 closes